Our Services
We can provide reporting in simple, easy to understand terms. It’s important to know your numbers. We can help you with setting a budget, managing cash flow, and can provide clarity on your cash flow, look for cost reductions and increase profit in simple easy steps.
Dedicated to adding value, not cost. IRD has now automated the income tax return process, you may be left wondering why you have a tax bill to pay or are not entitled to a larger tax refund. In these cases we can review your annual returns and ensure that the IRD has got it right.
Health Check
We can review your current processes to ensure efficiency and accuracy in your accounts and provide an overview of your financial position, cash management and reporting to enable you to understand your financial position and aid your business to look forward.
Business Plans & Bank Loans
Preparing annual accounts is a process that most organisations and a lot of individuals will be familiar with. In many cases annual accounts and financial statements are required to meet legal accounting compliance obligations, but these financial reports are also a great source of information to help you assess your business and financial goals.
Preparation of Financial Statements enable you to:
- Track financial changes, enabling you to look forward and measure results
- Manage risks to ensure you stay on track
- Monitor and manage expenses and cashflow
- Applying for bank loans and other funding
- Manage investments
- Provide insight to enable growth
Cash Flow Management
Cash flow for all business is important and can make all the difference to minimising or avoiding financial difficulties that can cripple the organisation. Cash flow analysis experience allows us to accommodate all of the variations particular to your business and industry. The end result is a cash flow forecast that is accurate and will prove to be invaluable to the running of your business. projecting income and expenses for the short, medium, and long- term future. Business forecasting allows us to predict peaks and troughs in cash flow to minimise financial obstacles. It also places you in the best position to plan for expansion and growth within your business capabilities.
IRD Compliance
Is GST & IRD compliance stressing you out?
PAYE & Witholding Tax
Xero Payroll and other online payrolls are a cloud based payroll solution for businesses of all sizes. Easy to use so you can focus on your business. Simple to run pay, manage leave, tax and employee records. Stay compliant and files automatically to IRD – payday filing is a breeze.
How does it work? Should you register for GST? Utilise our expertise, so you can spend your time doing what you want. If you need clarity on GST or an accountant to take GST off your hands, we can help.
Financial Statements
Understanding the numbers in your financial statements provides information about your financial position. This information helps you to make informed decisions about the running and growth of your business. Let us simplify for you - no accounting jargon.
End of Year Tax Returns
IR3'S and IR4 returns - confused? Personal or company returns – we have the solutions to ensure you pay the correct tax on time every time.
Do you have better things to do with your time than keeping your books up to date?
No business is too small or too big for us. Our bookkeeping services almost always results in a savings for the business. Why spend time on bank reconciliations, invoicing, debtor/ creditor management, GST, PAYE, Payroll etc when we can streamline for you. Accounts are a necessary part of business but its not what you are in business for? Experienced staff without the need and cost of employing staff. More than bookkeeping – a full accounts service with NO wasteful subscriptions, simply pay for the hours you use.
Xero Setup & Support
Xero can save you hours of work each month and provide you with full control of your business. Over 1 million subscribers love Xero’s online accounting solution. We are gold partners who use Xero Accounting Software. Easy to use, mobile apps, up to date bank reconciliation, simple invoicing and awesome reports. We can help with Xero set up & training.
Payroll Services
We can set up payroll and run weekly/ fortnightly/monthly payruns and make sure you stay compliant, or we can train you to run your own payroll. Eliminate paper-based timesheets & automate data entry. We can help your organisation streamline HR & payroll process to increase productivity, efficiency and reduce costs. The choice is yours.
Rewrite Xero Reports
Rewrite Xero reports to incorporate current old format requirements in new report formats.
Change Over Accounting Platforms
Implement change over accounting platforms eg. Xero to MYOB or another platform.
Accounting Platform Assessment
Assessment of accounting platform / reporting requirements.
Marketing & Advertising
Brand/logo/flyers designed to help your business to promote & sell products or services, including the creation & distribution of content that seeks to spread awareness about your products or services.
Systems & Integration
Advice to keep IT hardware, software & other resources working and aligned with your business goals for organising & running your business as well as integration of any new systems required.
Website Design
We can provide an array of graphic designs, branding, logos and website design solutions to suit your business needs and add value to your business.
Data Analytics
Extracts insights & information from your data using a combination of statistics, mathematics, programming, problem-solving, & capturing data in ingenious ways, providing the ability to look at things differently. In simple terms, it is applying an algorithmic or mechanical process to gain information from your data to help in making future decisions for your business.
Report Development
Design and development of management financial reporting to enable informed decisions and provide tailored financial reports that have meaning to the business.
Projections & Modelling
Modeling is a business aid that can help in defining, analysing, and communicating a set of concepts and can be specifically developed to support analysis, verification, and validation of a business system, as well as to communicate relevant business information. Whereas Projections can be used to estimate the future financial performance of a business based on specific scenarios.
Human Resources
Do you need HR advice? Our HR service can provide HR Generalist advice, Recruitment and Employment Services. Our tailored professional, no nonsense approach is the solution to addressing specific staffing and staff management situations. The service includes:
• Generalist HR advice
• Recruitment & selection
• Change management
• Performance management / improvement systems
• Policy development, position descriptions and employment contracts
• Training interventions (soft skills) for managers and employees
• Learning & development
• Health, safety & well-being
• Remuneration
We can assist your company with comfortably competing in today’s business world, providing you with the ability to not only manage your staff effectively through best practice HR, but to execute and meet changing workplace demands; and this is where HRS’s unique ability to “see the whole picture” and not just the basics ensures that your company draws and employs the best employees and benefits from the highest performance levels.
Support & Advice
We offer client support to assist our customers with what they need to set up and grow their business.
We can help with advice on setting up a business, training, reporting, business development, mentoring, solving problems, and providing consultations as and when required. Depending where you are based we offer mobile support - we come to you!